Green Web Art



B2B SEO Services & Business-To-Business Search Marketing Agency

As a B2B operation, it’s important to work with an SEO agency that understands B2B search engine optimization and its inherent challenges. To thrive online, B2B companies must develop a customized B2B SEO strategy based on their target audience, profit margins, lead time, business objectives and many other variables.


We offer a staff of in-house SEO experts that include developers, designers, copywriters and more, making us the Best B2B SEO agency.

B2B SEO services are a way for businesses to improve their online visibility and get found by other businesses that may be interested in their products or services. These SEO services often include content creation, technical website optimizations, landing page development, link profile management and more. The goal is to move the B2B website to the top of Google and other search engines when potential customers are searching for the products and services the business offers.

Need game-changing SEO results for your B2B website? Over the last 10 years, we’ve managed hundreds of B2B SEO campaigns, growing online sales & leads month-over-month, year-over-year.

Proven B2B SEO Strategies

B2B SEO presents unique challenges. Green Web Art tailors proven strategies to achieve your goals, increasing leads, sales, and your bottom-line.

We're B2B Experts

Our B2B SEO strategies are data-driven and goal-oriented. Each month, we measure our success by reporting on the key metrics that matter most to your business.

Clear B2B SEO Reporting

It’s important to know what’s going on with your SEO plan. We’ll talk with you on a regular basis and provide a detailed report each month.

Get Your B2B SEO Campaign Estimate

At Green Web Art we help B2B businesses rank page #1 and reach their true potential online. We’ll show you exactly what we’ll do, how much it’ll cost, and how we’re going to crush your competitors.

Need an expert now?

B2B SEO Services & Business-To-Business Search Marketing Agency

Obviously, an expert B2B SEO team at your disposal is a huge benefit. But it’s even better when that team is in-house, never outsourced, and ideally not located in a foreign country. We’re located in the USA and our team members work in our office on a daily basis. We’ll be your partner in success, knowing your success is ours.

When you’re selling to other businesses the rules of your website are often different. Many times pricing structures are prorated at the customer level, or certain sections of your website may require a customer to be logged in to view the content. It’s important to work with an SEO company that understands these challenges and has experience in operating successful B2B search engine marketing campaigns. We’ve worked with retailers selling over 75,00 unique SKU’s, down to major manufacturers who sell only a few items to large retailers. No matter your situation, talk over your search marketing needs with our team and we’ll see if it’s a fit for us to work together.

What B2B SEO services should the best agency provide?

  • Proper B2B SEO requires a full set of digital marketing services which is why our B2B SEO services include:

    • B2B focused keyword list development
    • Demographic research & Competitor analysis
    • Technical SEO analysis
    • Landing page creation
    • Tag optimization
    • Content writing, creation, and strategy
    • Conversion optimization
    • Monthly meetings & reviews
    • Detailed SEO reporting
    • & much more

Collaborate with B2B eCommerce Experts

We don’t just market B2B websites, we build B2B eCommerce websites every single day. We understand every aspect of what it takes for a B2B website to become an effective channel for inbound leads and sales. With B2B experts in every area from project management, design, front and back end development, SEO, & PPC management, operating under one roof, Green Web Art delivers unrivaled value, expertise, and results.

Green Web Art has provided superior B2B SEO services for nearly 10 years and knows what it takes to:

  • Identify qualified keywords that your potential customers use to search
  • Improve your organic rankings for those keywords (& their variations)
  • Use B2B SEO strategies to increase organic traffic, leads, sales, and goal completions to your website.
  • Capture page #1 Google search results

Green Web Art is the long-term B2B SEO partner you’ve been searching for and we are ready to help your business grow online.

B2B Search Marketing Experience

  • Green Web Art has experience with every type of B2B operation imaginable:

    • Vertical B2B models
    • Horizontal B2B models
    • Suppliers
    • Distributors
    • Wholesalers
    • Sourcing, Procurement, Supply Chain & Logistics
    • Manufacturers

Let’s talk about your project

Need game-changing SEO results for your B2B website? Over the last 10 years, we’ve managed hundreds of B2B SEO campaigns, growing online sales & leads month-over-month, year-over-year.

WooCommerce SEO

WooCommerce SEO & Website Search Engine Optimization Services

WooCommerce is one of the most popular eCommerce shopping carts and at Green Web Art we are proficient in WooCommerce SEO and search engine marketing. Since 2014 we’ve been eCommerce experts and have performed SEO on all major eCommerce platforms. Let Green Web Art help you make the most of your online store and increase your sales.

WooCommerce SEO

Our In-House eCommerce SEO team and professional design and development team make Green Web Art a standout WooCommerce SEO company.

WooCommerce SEO Plans

With proven Ecommerce SEO strategies we can take your WooCommerce website to the next level.

We Know WooCommerce

We have a full in-house team of WooCommerce SEO’s and WooCommerce developers.

Unsure About WooCommerce SEO? Ask Us.

Marketing your WooCommerce site can be tricky. Allow our experts to guide you in the right direction.

Get Your WooCommerce SEO Estimate

We understand your website is unique and we develop a custom WooCommerce SEO marketing proposal for each client. Fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you with a custom pricing estimate.

Need an expert now?

WooCommerce SEO FAQS?

WooCommerce SEO services will be priced about the same as traditional SEO services. Depending on the SEO company you choose, hourly rates vary from $150/hour to $500/hour and beyond. View our SEO pricing and costs for more information on standard SEO pricing models and associated fees.

Traditional eCommerce SEO strategies will apply to WooCommerce stores, but implementation and execution of advanced tactics will be best handled by an experienced WooCommerce SEO agency.

Look for an eCommerce-focused SEO agency with WordPress and WooCommerce experience. Green Web Art is a full-service eCommerce agency offering WooCommerce development, WooCommerce SEO, and other important digital marketing services.

Since WooCommerce is a plugin for WordPress, it is relatively SEO-friendly. While there are some WordPress-specific SEO challenges, overall, WooCommerce is a great eCommerce platform for SEO. If you don’t have an active SEO campaign, consider our SEO audit services to discover ways to improve your WooCommerce store’s organic visibility.

There are a variety of SEO plugins for WordPress & WooCommerce, most notably Yoast. While these plugins are certainly useful, they do not replace professional SEO services. In general, the use of plugins should be minimized as much as possible, and it’s typically preferred to have any custom functionality coded by a WooCommerce developer.

SEO is a long-term strategy, but you should still start to see positive trends relatively quickly. How long it takes to see ranking improvements for your desired keywords depends on many factors, including your existing organic visibility, the competitiveness of your target keywords, and more. If you want to drive immediate traffic to your WooCommerce store, be prepared to invest more resources into SEO or consider PPC services.

The best SEO agencies will have no problem clearly reporting on their work, progress, and success. With analytics software and keyword ranking reports, an SEO agency should be able to show improved keyword rankings for viable keywords, increased organic traffic, and ultimately, increased organic conversions, revenue, and sales.

Keyword research is an integral part of a successful WooCommerce SEO campaign. Our skilled and experienced SEO strategists will perform in-depth keyword research and competitor research to identify the best keywords for your WooCommerce SEO campaign to target. This will include keywords that are attainable for your domain and have eCommerce intent.

There are many eCommerce platforms available for business owners to choose from, and they all have strengths and weaknesses for SEO. If you’re curious about which is the best eCommerce platform for your business, consider reaching out to an eCommerce consultant. We offer SEO services for all major eCommerce platforms, including Shopify SEO, Magento SEO, and BigCommerce SEO.

Since WooCommerce is an eCommerce platform, it makes sense to find an agency that is experienced with eCommerce-focused SEO. The best eCommerce platform for your business will ultimately depend on more factors than SEO-friendliness. Learn more about the best eCommerce platforms for SEO.

We are a full-service eCommerce services provider, offering WooCommerce SEO and Woocomerce web design & development. Green Web Art has been an industry-leading eCommerce SEO agency since 2014.

Let’s talk about your project

WooCommerce is one of the most popular eCommerce shopping carts and at Green Web Art we are proficient in WooCommerce SEO and search engine marketing. Since 2014 we’ve been eCommerce experts and have performed SEO on all major eCommerce platforms. Let Green Web Art help you make the most of your online store and increase your sales.

Shopify SEO

Shopify SEO Services & Search Marketing Experts

For 10 years at Green Web Art, we’ve been SEO experts focusing on Shopify SEO services that drive higher rankings, traffic and sales. Our dedication to eCommerce search engine optimization allows us to use proven techniques and SEO strategies that move the needle for your Shopify store. We look forward to discussing your marketing goals!

Shopify SEO

With a full in-house team of SEOs, designers and developers, we're industry leading Shopify SEO experts for a reason.

Need game-changing SEO results for your Shopify website? With 10 years of experience, we’ve managed hundreds of eCommerce SEO campaigns, growing online sales month-over-month.

Shopify Tailored SEO Plans

Green Web Art has proven SEO strategies that optimize Shopify websites. We know what’s worked for other clients and we’ll do the same for you.

We Know Shopify Inside & Out

For over 10 years we’ve worked with Shopify, so you’ll be in great hands working with our expert SEO team.

Is a Shopify SEO Campaign for You?

Determining what type of SEO campaign you need can be difficult. We’ll answer any questions, just contact us.

Get Your Shopify SEO Estimate

At Green Web Art we help Shopify websites rank on the 1st page of Google and reach their potential online. We’ll show you exactly what we’ll do, how much it’ll cost, and how we’re going to crush your competitors.

Need an expert now?

What's included in Shopify SEO services?

  • Custom Shopify SEO strategy
  • Code review and optimization
  • Shopify speed optimization
  • Content marketing and content creation
  • Internal link building
  • External link building campaign
  • eCommerce keyword research
  • Product optimization
  • Category Optimization
  • URL optimization & updates
  • Robust monthly SEO reports
  • Google Ads consulting focused on eCommerce sales
  • Conversion rate optimization
  • & much more

Shopify SEO Tips for Ranking Your Store at The Top of Google

Using Shopify SEO strategies to rank your store at the top of organic search is one of the best ways to grow your online sales. But, the reality is, whether performing SEO in-house or choosing a Shopify SEO services provider to handle the campaign for you, landing top positions is no easy task. Below we’ll outline some of our top tips for creating a success eCommerce search engine optimization campaign.

Optimize Website Speed:

Google PageSpeed is crucial for SEO for several reasons:

1. User Experience: Google’s primary aim is to provide users with the best possible search results, which includes sites that load quickly and provide a good user experience.

2. Ranking Factor: In 2018, Google announced that page speed would be a ranking factor for mobile searches. Therefore, a slow-loading site could negatively impact your site’s SEO.

3. Engagement Metrics: Slow sites tend to have higher bounce rates and lower average time on page. These are metrics Google uses to understand a site’s quality and relevance to users.

4. Indexing: Google has a crawl budget – the number of pages it will crawl on your site within a certain timeframe. If your pages are slow to load, Google may crawl fewer pages, affecting how they’re indexed.5. Mobile First Indexing: With Google’s shift to mobile-first indexing, site speed on mobile devices is more important than ever. If your site is slow on mobile, it could harm your visibility in search rankings.

By optimizing your Shopify site for speed, you’re not just improving the user experience, but you’re also working to improve your site’s visibility and ranking in search results.

To optimize the speed of a Shopify website, you can follow these steps:

1. Reduce Image Sizes: High-resolution images can cause slow page load times. Use compression tools like TinyPNG or Shopify’s image compression features to optimize images without losing quality.

2. Minimize Apps and Themes: Uninstall any unnecessary Shopify apps and themes, as they can also contribute to slow loading times.

3. Use a Fast and Mobile-Friendly Theme: Choose a theme that is well-optimized for speed and is also mobile-friendly.

4. Minimize Redirects: Each redirect triggers an additional HTTP request-response cycle, which delays page rendering.

5. Limit the Use of Render-Blocking Javascript: Render-blocking JavaScript prevents above-the-fold content on your page from being rendered until the JavaScript has finished loading. This can slow down your site, especially for mobile users.

6. Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN): Shopify automatically uses a CDN, which stores copies of your site at various points around the world to serve content more quickly to users in different locations.

7. Optimize CSS Delivery: Minimize CSS files and eliminate unnecessary code. CSS should be at the top of your HTML document to prevent the page from being displayed as unstyled content while the CSS loads.

8. Optimize Liquid Code: Liquid is the template language used by Shopify. It’s a good practice to regularly check and clean the code for efficiency.

9. Leverage Browser Caching: Shopify automatically does this for all files served from Shopify’s CDN, but be sure that any files served from other locations are cached as well.

Turn Categories In Landing Pages:

Google loves to deliver great content to a website visitor and serve up that content high in their rankings. We all know content is a major ranking factor, but often we leave category pages bare with nothing more than product listings. Consider turning your category pages into landing pages by building out content at the top and bottom of the page. This content can include information about the products you sell, FAQs about the product category or product line and can give you a place to link to articles and buying guides you’ve created that are targeted around the same topic as the category.

Create Sub-Category Pages:

Product filtering is very commonly used on a Shopify store, but can actually have detrimental affects on SEO. For example, if you sell sofas online and have a main category page for sofas and filters for colors, you don’t really have a landing page for “grey sofas”, which is searched almost 4,000 times per month. Consider how you can create niche sub-category pages that will have the ability to rank for less competitive terms that will convert at a higher rate.

Build Supporting Content & Your EEAT Score:

Google’s EEAT score, which was formally EAT, stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trust. Google reviews your content and uses these factors to determine where you should rank when a term is searched. One of the best ways to increase your EEAT score is to build authoritative content around your main topics. For example, if you sell running shoes, creative informational guides about the different types of running shoes available, which ones to choose based on needs, and other valuable information will help to boost your authority. Remember, while you built your website to sell products, it must also inform visitors and help them to make the best purchasing decisions possible.

Create a Strong Internal Linking Structure:

Interlinking your pages is a way to show Google what a page should rank for. Link from main category pages to sub-categories and from products to related products. Not only does this show Google that these pages exists, helping them to be indexed, but the keywords within the anchor text will boost those pages rankings. Also, review your articles and blogs seeing where there are opportunities to link back to categories and products and try to use keywords within those links. A strong internal linking campaign can boost traffic on a Shopify store in a major positive way.

Get Pages Indexed:

If you have a large Shopify store, sometimes getting all of your products or even categories indexed can be challenging. Typing this comes do to two main reasons:

  • 1) Google doesn’t know the pages exist – Be sure you’re linking to all of your pages within your site. If you’re not linking to them, it can be tough for Google to know they exist. Also, double check your not blocking pages in your robots.txt file and your pages are included in your sitemap.xml file.
  • 2) The pages don’t have value – If Google knows your page exists but it has little content, Google may determine it does not want to index the page. This often happens with products that may be similar to other products or product pages that do not have unique product descriptions. Be sure they page is valuable and offers content that a user would want to read.

Build Your Brand Name:

Outside of managing your website there are other ways to build your brand which can affect SEO. How many websites link to yours is a major ranking factor and if you build your brand name often other websites will link to yours. They may link to your website because of press you receive, an interview that you do, or because a piece of content you put on social media goes viral. Either way, getting your brand name out to the world is make a positive impact on the way Google looks at your website.

Shopify SEO FAQS?

Shopify SEO services are search engine optimization services focused on improving keyword positions in Google and other search engines for Shopify websites. These services typically include technical optimizations, on-page modifications, content creation, category and product page optimizations and more. The objective is to increase organic website traffic which leads to an increase in Shopify store sales.

The cost of SEO depends on what keywords you’re looking to rank for and how well you currently rank. Since Shopify is an eCommerce online store platform, most clients on Shopify are looking to rank nationally or internationally and sell their products globally. SEO pricing and plans can range anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000+ a month depending on the level of SEO effort. When you’re at the top of the search results in Google or other search engines, your Shopify sales will grow exponentially. If you want to get started on a campaign, we can provide a free SEO audit and proposal. We also offer SEO consulting services if you’re looking for a game plan for your in-house team to implement.

SEO for Shopify consists of making your website better. Better for users and better for the Google robots. What is better? Better category and product pages that are easily understood, coded correctly, have the proper SEO elements in the right places – creating authoritative pages.

At Green Web Art we have proven methods for eCommerce SEO and will apply these to your Shopify website, making it not only rank higher but convert better, too.

The first thing to look for is how well the SEO company ranks itself. If you search “Shopify SEO company” or “Shopify SEO services,” where do they show up? Also, make sure any SEO agency you work with is located in the USA and does not outsource their work. Poor SEO services can lead to major website problems and it’s important to work with an agency that understands how valuable your website and search rankings are. At Green Web Art, we’re rated one of the best SEO companies each year and have been in business, delivering top search rankings, since 2014. Shopify also has a directory of Shopify SEO Experts.

When you begin an SEO campaign on your Shopify website having clear and realistic expectations is a must. If you have a website that has been around, has some domain authority, and already has decent search rankings (meaning some keywords on page one, many on pages two and three of Google) you can expect results from optimization within 30-90 days. If you have a newer website or even a brand new Shopify website, it can take up to a year to really gain traction. Our experts can review your website and where you currently stand to provide proper expectations.

Shopify has some quirks when it comes to SEO. One of the most famous issues comes with technical SEO and on-page SEO, such as URL structure in that every category page falls under /collections/. While this isn’t ideal for SEO purposes, it also isn’t a total deal-breaker unless you just can’t stand having “collections” in all of your URLs. Shopify filters also create duplicate content issues, but those issues are easily handled by an SEO familiar with Shopify. We wrote a great article titled Shopify SEO Issues & Common Problems that goes more in-depth on issues and also how to fix them.

When determining if SEO is working the best way to look at it is using a three-step process. 1) Have the keywords I most care about increased in rankings. Are they more visible to someone looking for my products than they were before I started my SEO campaign? 2) Am I getting more traffic to my website. Utilizing a tool such as Google Analytics makes this easy to evaluate. 3) Have my online sales gone up? Also, more specifically, have they gone up via the organic channel. In Google Analytics you can easily filter eCommerce sales by channel and see all sales that came directly from organic search.

Building your keyword list is a collaborative process in which we do keyword research and you provide keywords you feel are most valuable. When starting a campaign you know more about your business than any agency does, so it’s important to give your input. If you don’t speak up, a keyword important to you may miss your final keyword list. In the end, the keyword list should contain all of the important keywords and also how many times each keyword or phrase is searched per month. The search volume will help to determine which keyword may be most valuable to your business if you were to rank page #1 or overall #1 for that keyword or phrase.

SEO on an eCommerce website is very different. Dealing with hundreds of categories and products demands unique strategies and expertise in dynamic optimization – tasks SEO companies inexperienced in eCommerce SEO fall short on. When hiring an SEO company to handle your Shopify store be sure to get references and examples of other Shopify websites and eCommerce businesses. If an agency is highly experienced in eCommerce they’ll be able to leverage their past knowledge to make your campaign more successful in a shorter amount of time. Be sure the company has a primary SEO focus and that they are not mainly a PR agency or social media expert.

Another big part of SEO is dealing with search engine algorithm changes as they roll out. An experienced eCommerce agency will be well equipped to deal with the changes and continue to drive up sales revenue through high-ranking search terms.

Creating new blog content and articles is an important part of an ongoing SEO campaign. Creating content and performing page optimizations will allow you to target new keywords that you may currently not have pages to target. Whenever creating new article content, we’ll consider search intent and the conversion rate of the traffic. Our goal is to drive traffic that turns into sales, not just general website traffic.

Let’s talk about your project

Need game-changing SEO results for your Shopify website? With 10 years of experience, we’ve managed hundreds of eCommerce SEO campaigns, growing online sales month-over-month.

WordPress SEO

WordPress SEO Services & Website Search Engine Marketing

For 10 years we’ve been SEO experts focused on WordPress SEO services that drive higher search engine rankings, website traffic, and online sales. At Green Web Art, we have an expert WordPress SEO and WordPress web design team under one roof. We know all the “insides-and-outs” of WordPress and develop a search marketing plan tailored to your business growth goals. Get a free estimate today.

WordPress SEO

We have a full in-house SEO and WordPress development team. That's why we're an industry leading WordPress SEO company.

WordPress SEO services are search marketing focused services that help improve the search engine optimization (SEO) of a website built with the WordPress platform. These services may include keyword research, on-page optimization, technical SEO / code optimization, off-site optimization and much more. The goal is to improve the visibility and ranking of the WordPress website in search engine results, ultimately driving more traffic and generating more leads for the business.

Need a game-changing SEO campaign for your WordPress website? Over the last 10 years, we’ve managed hundreds of SEO campaigns, growing leads and sales month-over-month.

WordPress SEO Services

At Green Web Artwe have proven SEO strategies to optimize your WordPress website. We know what’s worked for other WordPress clients and we’ll do the same for you.

We're The WordPress Experts

We don’t outsource our WordPress SEO or development services. It’s all done here, in our office.

Is a WordPress SEO Campaign for You?

Want to talk over your WordPress search engine optimization needs? We’ll answer any search marketing questions – just contact us about SEO services for WordPress.

Get Your WordPress SEO Services Estimate

In just 30-60 minutes, we’ll show you how we land page #1 rankings.

In our meeting, we’ll discuss your specific goals and how our proven WordPress SEO strategies will position you to crush your competitors.

Need an expert now?

How do SEO services for WordPress websites work?

WordPress SEO Audit & Analysis

If you have an established WordPress website, we’ll do a detailed SEO audit to determine what changes, additions, and modifications need to be made to boost your rankings and visibility in the search engines. We’ll identify long-handing fruit (easy to fix items) based upon your current keyword positions and what will make the biggest ranking impact in the shortest amount of time. We’re worked on hundreds of WordPress sites, so we know what needs to happen to boost your search engine positions and have even developed a comprehensive WordPress SEO checklist.

Develop a Custom WordPress SEO Strategy

After we’ve analyzed the website, we’ll develop a custom WordPress SEO strategy. This strategy will be focused on your goals and based on your industry, competition, and current positions. No campaigns are the same and at Green Web Art we tailor the overall strategy to your needs. We offer SEO packages that meet the needs of different budgets.

Technical Updates & On-Site Optimization

With a full in-house team of WordPress developers, we can easily make technical updates that will improve rankings. From changing basics such as title tags, header tags, and ALT tags, to coding pages to focus on featured Google results, our team can handle any development task. We’ll be sure to improve your site’s internal linking structure, set up your SSL certificate (if needed), and get your on-site SEO in great shape. Also, if you need landing page development or custom programming, we provide those services in-house. We’re on-site SEO pros and will make your code easy for Google to read.

Ongoing Content Creation, Blog Posts, & Articles

Creating new content on a regular basis is an important page of an ongoing WordPress SEO campaign. Our SEO team will develop a content calendar built to rank for new keywords and also increase rankings for current keywords. It’s important to become an authority in the search engines and a well-thought-out, well-developed content campaign will help to establish your authority position. We’ll also create content that can be posted on industry-leading blogs to build external links back to your site.

WordPress SEO for WooCommerce Stores

If you run a WooCommerce website powered by WordPress, you have unique SEO goals. At Green Web Art, we’re the #1 eCommerce SEO company in the world, delivering proven SEO strategies to grow your WordPress website’s online sales. As an eCommerce SEO expert, we develop strategies to optimize hundreds of categories, thousands of products and are experienced in managing an SEO campaign for a large database-driven website. Whether you need a full-service SEO package or an expert SEO consultant, our team is ready to land your WordPress site at the top of Google’s results.

WordPress SEO Pricing

The cost of WordPress SEO services with Green Web Art can vary depending on a few factors. Below, we’ll outline the main considerations we review when determining pricing :

  • Keywords Of Interest


    The type of business you’re in and who your customers are usually affect the keywords you’ll want to target. If you’re a local services company, the keyword you’ll be targeting often includes a city or region, making them much less competitive than a website looking to rank nationwide. Highly searched keywords with a lot of competition require more work to rank for, meaning the hours we have to put in increase as does the monthly cost of the WordPress SEO campaign.

  • Current Ranking Positions


    Moving from page two of Google to the top of page one is much easier than going from page fifty to page one. Your current position will affect the amount of effort needed to land the positions you need to drive traffic.

  • eCommerce vs. Lead Generation


    eCommerce websites often have hundreds of pages, if not thousands of products, making the optimization of the entire website a larger project. The bigger the eCommerce website, the more time-consuming the SEO campaign. With that being said, lead generation campaigns for highly competitive keywords can also provide their own challenges.

  • History of SEO Performance


    If you’re currently on an upward trajectory, often SEO goals are easier to achieve. If your search engine rankings have dropped, recovering your rankings can be a larger task. We’ll review the history of your rankings and determine what it’ll take to hit your goals.

  • Timeline to Achieve Goals


    How aggressive you’d like to be will ultimately determine how much time the Green Web Art team will spend. If you want to achieve results in 3 months, we may suggest a more aggressive campaign than if you have a one-year timeline. During the proposal process of experts will review all factors and make determinations on how quickly we feel your website will move into prime search positions.

Every WordPress website is different and SEO costs are based on your needs and goalsFor a quick assessment and to receive a free estimate, please contact us. We look forward to the opportunity of working with you and growing your business!

WordPress SEO FAQS?

Optimizing a WordPress website isn’t much different than optimizing any other website. The same important aspects of SEO matter most, such as choosing the right keywords through keyword research, boosting site speed, writing high-quality content, and more. What is different about WordPress is how technical SEO is implemented. WordPress uses themes built in PHP, so it is important that your SEO service provider has WordPress developers on staff. Technical SEO is more important than ever, so working with an SEO agency that doesn’t have the development skills will lower your chance of ranking #1 in the search engine results.

The more you’re working on all of your marketing efforts, the easier it is to rank on the major search engines. Google Ads campaigns, email marketing, social media campaign, and affiliate campaigns help to build your brand on the internet. As your brand name grows, often Google rewards your website with a higher domain rating score. If you’re a known player in your industry and have a great reputation online, applying SEO efforts will help your organic traffic to explode. All of our campaign are tailored to your website based on your other marketing efforts and where you’re currently ranking.

At Green Web Art, we don’t make promises we can’t keep. As one of the best WordPress SEO companies, we’ll look at your website and create an actionable plan. Within this plan, we’ll give our feedback on how long it’ll take to move your website up in the search engines. How long SEO takes depends greatly on many factors such as how long your website has been around, your past SEO efforts, and ultimately your current search engine positions. It typically takes longer to move up multiple pages on Google than just moving one or two, or even a few positions. Give us a call and we’ll put together a detailed plan of action to improve your WordPress SEO efforts.

If you’re looking to drive more visitors to your website and to turn them into clients, our B2B SEO experience is second to none. We’ve been helping businesses drive leads through SEO since 2014. Learn more about our B2B SEO services.

We’re an expert WordPress SEO company offering the following services:

  • WordPress speed optimization
  • Installation of SEO plug-ins
  • Content development strategy
  • Link profile analysis
  • Google Analytics configuration
  • URL optimization
  • XML sitemap management
  • Detailed SEO reporting
  • Monthly review and strategy calls
  • & much more

Let’s talk about your project

Need a game-changing SEO campaign for your WordPress website? Over the last 10 years, we’ve managed hundreds of SEO campaigns, growing leads and sales month-over-month.

Lead Generation SEO

SEO Lead Generation Services - Rank #1 When Potential Customers Search on Google

For over 10 years, Green Web Art has helped our clients attract highly qualified leads to grow their business online. Let’s talk today about how we can leverage the latest SEO strategies to engage your audience and capture more leads.

SEO Lead Generation

With a full in-house team of search marketing experts, we're the lead generation SEO company you've been searching for.

Pay Less For Your Leads

Our first goal is to identify what your currently paying for leads. Then we work to refine our SEO strategies to drive down your cost per lead.

Improve Lead Quality

Our next focus is to make sure that your existing inbound leads are relevant and qualified. Once we have accomplished this, it’s time to scale up and increase lead quantity.

First Page Results = More Leads

Landing first page Google results for your most important keywords will drive a major increase in traffic and ultimately leads.

Get an Estimate for Lead Generation SEO Services

At Green Web Art we help lead gen websites rank page #1 and reach their true potential online. We’ll show you exactly what we’ll do, how much it’ll cost, and how we’re going to crush your competitors.

A professional SEO campaign from an expert Lead Generation agency must include these important services:

  • SEO Audits
  • Link Building
  • CRO
  • Landing Page Design & Development
  • Content Marketing
  • On-Page Optimization
  • Business Software Integrations (CRM, ERP, etc.)
  • Technical Optimizations (site speed, mobile-friendliness, etc.)
  • AB Testing
  • Extensive Keyword Research
  • Competitor Research & Analysis
  • & many more

Lead Generatiosn SEO FAQS?

Lead generation SEO refers to search engine optimization tactics deployed to increase the number of inbound leads a business receives. SEO professionals will identify search terms that potential new customers use on search engines like Google to drive qualified traffic to your website. As qualified traffic increases, goal completions, conversions and sales soon follow. 

Many business owners miss out on potential leads because they think that their industry doesn’t lend itself to digital marketing. Those who believe this are almost always wrong. Lead generation SEO strategies can help you reach a nearly endless supply of new customers in the majority of industries.

SEO can also be more cost-effective than PPC advertising. When your business ranks on page one of Google organically, you don’t have to “pay-per-click,” meaning effective SEO can help reduce your overall advertising spend on things like Google Ads or other PPC advertising services.

The odds are high that people use Google to research and buy products and/or services that your business offers. An effective SEO agency will identify all of the keywords your potential customers could be using, at each stage of their purchase cycle, and develop an SEO strategy to improve your website’s ranking in search engines like Google for the most viable of those keywords. This results in an increase in qualified organic traffic – searchers who would be interested in your products or services coming to your website.

Lead generation SEO services are typically priced similarly to traditional SEO services. Most reputable SEO agencies have an hourly rate of anywhere from $150/hr to $500/hr and beyond. View our complete breakdown of typical SEO pricing and costs you’ll encounter when choosing an SEO agency for lead generation services.

Ideally, you will know your lead generation SEO efforts are working because your business will be busy answering phone calls and responding to new form completions. If you have an analytics software setup like Google Analytics, it is very easy to see how many leads have been coming to your website from organic traffic. If you can quantify the value of an average lead for your business, you can easily determine your ROI.

Ask any potential SEO agency you work with for relevant client testimonials and case studies. Since lead generation SEO is often B2B, it can require more attention to detail and professionalism from the SEO agency. Read more about how to choose an SEO company.

Green Web Art is a full-service digital marketing, web design, and web development company. Since 2014, we’ve helped businesses grow their businesses online with industry-leading lead generation SEO services.

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SEO Lead Generation Services – Rank #1 When Potential Customers Search on Google​.


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